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Bull & Bear Financial Strategies Pty Ltd

Australian Financial Services Licence

Number 418872

ACN 113 608 683


Bull & Bear Financial Strategies is a holistic Financial Planning Company dedicated to helping people through the journey of setting and achieving goals.

Bull & Bear Financial Strategies is an institution that will help you to build achievable but challenging goals that will stretch you and ultimately make you stronger.

Bull & Bear Financial Strategies believe goal setting and raising your goal standards is marked by continued reflection and proactive response and is thus a perpetual cycle of learning.

As you achieve more of life's goals and grow stronger, your goals will grow bigger; Bull & Bear Financial Strategies will nurture your confidence and ambition to set higher goals.

Bull & Bear Financial Strategies is a cornerstone and source of relevant actionable information that fits in with your goals, objectives and personal circumstance.

Bull & Bear Financial Strategies is a company that is all about the journey.

When setting goals, Bull & Bear Financial Strategies takes on the role of innovator, carefully assessing your circumstances and ambitions. We will introduce methodology which incorporates education and state of the art goal setting using a range of cutting edge techniques.

Goal setting has evolved. 

Children born after 2000 are called ‘Millennials’.  They will not set goals the way our parents did.

The world has changed, technology has changed, the method of setting and achieving goals has thus evolved.

This is not the World's first great change.

There was the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution and now we are living through the Technological Revolution.


We have new world solutions to old world problems.

Bull & Bear Financial Strategies is an institution that uses new world technology and methodology to achieve goals and address old world problems. 

Once you have conceptually established your goals, Bull & Bear Financial Strategies will assist you with the implementation and execution of those conceptual goals. 

This is the beginning of a journey to turn the conceptual into a reality. Goals start in our minds then through belief, action and perseverance are turned into reality.

After the strategic implementation of your goals, Bull & Bear Financial Strategies adopts the role of 'motivator' - encouraging you to take action.

What Can You Achieve?

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Cultural Capital and the socio-economic environment often frame and dictate one's ambitions and goals. Bull & Bear Financial Strategies is a company that can help you aspire beyond the limits of your profession, as well as geological and societal demographics in play. 

Bull & Bear Financial Strategies was built to help you expand your boundaries and ambitions. 

You may find Bull & Bear Financial Strategies expectations and beliefs in what you can achieve are substantially higher than what society as a whole believes you can. 


Everyone has different goals.

Before you consider your goals, ask yourself a question?

Do You Have Freedom?

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If you believe you are free, then consider these questions: 

  • Where do you need to be at 10:37 am on a Tuesday Morning?

  • Where do need to be at 3:43 PM on a Wednesday afternoon?

If your answer is work then you probably work for money!

Money can be defined as units of freedom.

Are you working because you want to work or because you have to work? If money was not an issue, what would you be doing at 10:37 on a Tuesday Morning? 


What does freedom mean to you?

Ask Yourself, How Many Days Can You Survive Without Your Work Income? 


When a person embarks on the Odyssey of life, the journey is marked by rites of passage and milestones.

The following are significant milestones:


Your First Step

Your First Word

Your First Day At School

Your Last Day At School

Your First Day At Work

Your Wedding

Your First Home

Your First Mortgage

Your First Child

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Will The Day You Achieved

'Financial Freedom'

Be Added To This List 

Bull & Bear Financial Strategies looks at your needs, goals, hopes, fears and aspirations.  After careful consideration of your circumstance, Bull & Bear Financial Strategies will design you a blueprint that will map your journey towards 'Financial Freedom’.

Begin your journey to financial freedom by taking action now!

Calling us on 0450 077 442 or fill out the form below for a free consultation with one of our Financial Planners.

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